I'm not even sure it's prior.
Fifteen seconds of fame is a good start though.
Ode to a lump of green ... cheese?
.. and failing with authentication error, on startup.
I don't understand this at all.
Now you can have your very own ...
.. I would ever want one of these.
It's rice. And it's free.
When the tail wags the dog ...
New venture to link consumers direct to local food producers.
I've been doing some sums involving floor(n/2).
The email started: "As a previously registered member or guest of Bridge Club Live, we
know you play bridge - but are you interested to find where you can play bridge ..."
Who gets credit for solving the Poincaré Conjecture?
Nothing rhymes with orange ...
I was just pointed at this paper, it's a fascinating read.
A cool symmetry from a Christmas puzzle
(or "Pasta as a force for good")
How to argue about the meaning of life in 15 seconds.
"The earth's second moon"
Still looking for weird numbers, I got sidetracked.
In which our intrepid hero discovers (once again) the difference between arithmetic (and arithmetical computation) and mathematics.