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Dave's Blog
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David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:12 04/01/05
Phoned Sony support to get my laptop fixed (broken lcd) and they were fine, except they said thay could not guarantee the data on the hard drive, so I asked them if I could send them the machine to be repaired without it. It's easy to remove (it's a portable HD)

No, was the answer.
It's against their policy, so they've had to ask head office.


Plus their warranty doe3s not include physical dmage to lcd, but I've had 2 othger vaio's in the last 6 years, both of which have had more stress placed on them this the new one, and they managed to last longer than 6 months...

time to buy a mac, perhaps.....

royal institute xmas lectures
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 12:06 04/01/05 | Comments: 2
Have I missed them this year, can't find any mention of them on the bbc site ?
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 02:40 01/01/05
What good start....back in 1984 I owned a 12" of a record called Soul Train, but I had long since lost the record and forgotten the name of the artist.....and have been trying to find it/remember it for many years but to no avail

So there I was sitting there watching the best of the Tube, and lo and behold Swansway pops on air.....

Result :)

PS Those fireworks in London were gobsmacking......

Happy New Year all....

I seem
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 20:57 14/12/04 | Comments: 2
to have found a hotel in Amsterdam with a lovely canal view, a waterbed and jacuzzi and best of all, wireless internet access.

God I love this place ;-p

Brrr that was chilly
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 19:33 01/12/04
but worth it......

now , which one to start with.....


Take Me Back
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 11:53 26/11/04
to any web site

ombomb.com history

Novacaster History

Bloody useful that (and no, they don't have the depparnen thingy)

I'm Free
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 11:27 26/11/04 | Comments: 3
it's time for a holiday, yippee :)
Apple Flash Player
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 11:19 23/11/04
is going to use the same chip as the Packard-Bell flash player i've got :)
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 12:58 22/11/04 | Comments: 10
I was handed a project plan that showed me fully booked up with work till the end of next week.
This morning , I get a phone call at 8am asking me if I was going to in the office today as I need to handover to the outsourcing compnay they've hired to do the db management.

A fine way to find out you've been terminated. (I'd been asking them for weeks and weeks, and not a peep out of them)
F**king Amateurs.

and breath........

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 13:56 20/11/04 | Comments: 2
It's snowing here.....
Floor is finally
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:32 18/11/04
down and the webserver, radio station and music archive are now back on air....

Currently I seem to be entertaining someone in Warsaw ! :)

A Slight Oversight
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 10:26 17/11/04
I've just been handed a project plan that runs past the end of my contract, but no word on an extension, duh!
Free Sun
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:02 15/11/04
Solaris 10 out soon
Apple lagging behind
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:54 15/11/04
in the Flash-player stakes.....
Space Odyssey / The Planets
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 23:16 09/11/04 | Comments: 4
two great series started tonight, anyone catch them ?

I missed the first bit of SO, but managed to DVDR the making of on BBC4 and the first episode of The Planets, 1 of 8

Some of the BBC Live events look interesting, might be worth a road trip...

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 12:32 09/11/04 | Comments: 6
The 1Gb Audiodream has just dropped 100ukp in price to 129....


Post Election blues
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 13:15 08/11/04 | Comments: 1
At least someone out there is making a fast buck :)

Bush apology

I voted

There goes the Empire
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 09:45 08/11/04
They've obviously forgotten about a little thing called

Time to move to somewhere more sensible, like Outer Mongolia :)

Sometimes I
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 10:55 02/11/04 | Comments: 11
feel like I'm all alone in here, talking to myself.....bit like life really :-/
At last
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 10:39 31/10/04
The motorcycle HUD we invented several years ago has finally been made by someone and I want one :)
Hey Nic
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:24 29/10/04
The Undertones are performing at the Garage, 20-22 Highbury Corner N5 @ 7.30pm on Dec4

15 ukp a ticket
0870 534 4444

Great Album
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 12:04 29/10/04
Waaaaaaaay better than the new Prodigy....

Etienne De Crecy - Super Discount 2

Paradigm shift, again...
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:24 27/10/04 | Comments: 6
My Ipod is unreliable, fragile, too bulky and a pain to add new tracks to easily (as it's at capacity and firewire on my laptops has no power)

Something I didn't think I'd ever say about it. It does seem , however, to lose all the playlists/skip and stutter/lose battery charge within a day with increasing frequency, and Itunes sucks bigtime for anything other than 5.1 surround sound playback and a nice visualiser. I'm sick of having to rebuild Itunes everytime the .db file goesd doolally (and it does so often and no I don't have a virus or a duff disk)

So out with the fat Apple and in with sexy , tiny, shiny new 1GB solid state player I'm using for commuting.(USB2 so it's easy to add and remove stuff)

Think of the first cellphones vs. the ones you can get these days and you'll be on the right track.

In case you wonder what the hell I'm ranting about then you'll just have to wait and see how tiny and dead sexy the new player is :)

Normally I'd post a link to the device, but it appears that no-one on the net sells it yet(not even the manufacturer:).

Oh how readily we moan and begrumble what yesterday seemed brilliant, but today seems old hat.....expensive this progress lark ;-p

Purple Haze
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:09 26/10/04
Today the NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini-Huygens spacecraft makes a fly-by of Saturn's largest moon Titan - the closest ever performed.

See here for more details.

Got a secret mission
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 11:10 26/10/04 | Comments: 3
to perform, at night ?
Don't fancy killing pedestrians ?

Then you need a Honda

Track of the week
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 19:06 23/10/04
Basco - Music with a Feel (Jark Prongo Mix) from the album Yoshiesque by Deep Dish....

coming to an ipod near me soon :)

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:38 22/10/04
Some old, some new.......

No longer A Possible Solution To Escape Record-buying

Technology Without Any Important Name

People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms

It Still Does Nothing

Arrogance Produces Profit Losing Entity

System Can't See It

Defective Operating System

Bill's Attempt to Seize Industry Control

I Blame Microsoft (or conversely "I Build Macs")

Do Expect Cuts

Consumer Device-Rendered Obsolete in Months

Obsolete Soon Too

World Wide Wait

Most Applications Crash, If Not, The Operating System Hangs

Produces Erroneous Numbers Through Incorrect Understanding of Mathematics

Completely Obsolete Business Oriented Language

A Merely Insignificant Gamers Addiction

Lots of Infuriating & Silly Parenthesis

Meaningless Indication of Processor Speed

Will Install Needless Data On Whole System

Most Intelligent Customers Realize Our Software Only Fools Teenagers

God Bless Richard
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 10:35 22/10/04
This popped into my mailbox today....made me feel that all is good with the world :)

From: Virgin Galactic

Dear Future Astronaut,

Richard Branson and everyone on the Virgin Galactic team were delighted to receive your response to the Virgin Galactic website.

The support shown for this amazing project has been overwhelming and we will very shortly be in a position to discuss with you the next steps on your journey to become a Virgin Galactic Astronaut!

Over the next few days we will contact you again with more details, so there is no need for you to respond to this message.

Many thanks for your interest in Virgin Galactic.

Best wishes,
Stephen Attenborough
Head of Astronaut Liaison


Depressing seasonal weather
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 10:07 19/10/04 | Comments: 2
I can feel my melatonin dropping as we speak, just as well I've put lots of bright lights in the house :)
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