Re: My photography recently
by Bruce Ure at 15:51 18/08/09 (Blogs::Bruce)
Isn't CameraBag just a crap-camera-emulation thing? I use PhotoGene for on-phone editing, and only don't use Picoli (which I think is cheaper) because it won't crop. I also like the look of QuadCamera, which takes 4 shots in succession and outputs them to a single frame... I've yet to use it on anything other than a test subject. Looks promising though.

Thanks for your comments. I'm not sure if I'm trying to be more creative, well maybe, because many of the D700 shots are just snapshots for the family album, but it probably looks like I am as well, because I'm taking far more pictures in situations where normally I'd say, oh bugger, I don't have my camera. I'm normally the same level of creativity with the D700, just not as likely to have it in creative situations. If that makes sense. Oh and also because it's far less forgiving, many many 'creative' shots with the D700 just get binned because they "didn't work". You often (as you know) need to spend ages setting them up properly to make them work well. I don't have the patience. Or the time.

By the way... latest must-have app, for several minutes of hilarity: iSwapFaces. It's very funny.

Game-wise I'm also enjoying Ragdoll Blaster, which is a bit like touchPhysics. And let's not forget Enigmo.


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