Re: OSX's concurrent tasking
by Bruce Ure at 15:35 17/01/07 (Blogs::Bruce)

I also get Copies by default but (I failed to mention) I'm pressing Apple or whatever the key next to space is called, to change it to a move.

When I do as you have just done, I get exactly the same.

The plot thickens. After copying the two files to the desktop in the same manner as you did, if I then go to MOVE one back, then because the file still exists at source I get the Replace/Stop dialog. If before answering this I initiate another MOVE of the other file back to its source, I immediately get the message that the source file is busy.

If I initiate the MOVE *after* answering the question, I also get the busy message.

Interestingly, if I don't answer the question and meanwhile try and copy ANOTHER file to the desktop, I get a dialog telling me it's preparing to copy, which doesn't actually START to copy until I answer the question in the other dialog (regardless of how I answer it).

All of which leads me to understand that if there's a MOVE going on, the source folder is locked until it's complete, which kind of sucks. I mean, surely a Move is just a Copy with a Delete at the end. Why lock the source folder? In case someone deletes the file in the meantime? Well then why not just lock the file? (even though actually it wouldn't matter if it's deleted; it was going to be deleted anyway).

It's certainly no big deal but this is one area in which I'm forced, begrudgingly, to admit that XP is superior.


JPG image (40 K) Move Prozac Nation then move An Inconvenient Truth
JPG image (37 K) Move Prozac Nation then [move An Inconvenient Truth *the other way*]
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