Re: VMWare competition for Parallels
by Bruce Ure at 20:42 15/01/07 (Forum::Technical Advice::General)
Possibly this is a tad different from what you're thinking of.

The Intel Macs have the ability to run some (lots of, I think) Windows instructions natively, at the hardware level, instead of under an emulation of an Intel CPU in software, which makes it loads quicker.

You can't emulate an (Intel - not sure about PPC) Mac under Windows, because OSX checks its hardware and if it's not Apple it won't run on it. (Exception: certain die-hard folk have coerced OSX into running on non-Apple Intel hardware, and therefore probably virtual hardware as well, but it's mostly just proof of concept).

And yes Windows windows on a Mac has been done before, but I for one have never seen Windows application windows and Mac application windows on the same desktop, co-existing. IME Windows has always run as a VM in a window of its own, and programs therefore all run in that window as well -- one window for all the Windows apps.

The new version of Parallels which I described as spooky, allows Windows windows to run in their own window, IYSWIM, amongst the OSX windows.

It is quite bizarre the first time you see it, although I'll grant that it probably looks better than it describes.

Fuck it... here's a screenshot.


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