Re: The Egyptian nfr hieroglyph
by Simon at 01:11 31/01/06 (Blogs::Simon)
Three zigzags (one above the other) represent water ('mw').

My assertion of its plumb-bobbedness is down to (a) its similarity in appearance to the heart-shaped plumb-bob in the picture, and (b) the similarity in concept (in my mind) of 'perfection / beauty' with a pendulum ticking out a constant beat due only to the length of the string and the force of gravity.

Given that I've just finished that book on megalithic measurement that infers a unified system based on a pendulum length such that it beats 366 times in the time taken for Venus to travel 1/366 around the sky (on specific dates when Venus is moving quickest against the backdrop of stars), well, it just chimed with my current thought processes.

The fragment is authored by Bak (who happens to be the head sculptor of the King (Akhenaten)) and it basically says "Here is a splendid offering to the Aten, which illuminates the land with its beauty. In return may it grant the heart's desire and a beautiful life to the spirit of this sculptor to his Majesty the Lord of the Two Lands the favorite of the good God, Bak, speaker of truth."

So it's not a reference to Akhenaten or Nefertiti - which means, incidentally, "The beautiful one (female gender) has come" - nfrt iti. Her full name was Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti, and that's a heck of a lot of nfr for one person to carry off!


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