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David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:32 09/08/04
at least in Germany they are
Disk are old hat.....
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:18 09/08/04 | Comments: 2
How about 2 Terabytes on a memory card....
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 12:51 06/08/04 | Comments: 37
Just been told I've been extended by 3 months, which was nice......
Canadians gun for X Prize
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 12:24 06/08/04 | Comments: 1
Da Vinci now backed by Golden Palace.com
I have a knack
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:40 05/08/04
for choosing to leave work at the very precise moment the heavens decide to open...

That's 2 soakings this week alone , might have to go back to using the winter jacket :-/

Onion Routing
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 12:02 05/08/04
get yer loverly
onion router (an anonymizing overlay network for TCP)
Hacking my ipod
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 11:48 05/08/04
Looks like I may well up the capacity to 60Gb quite soon....

New Tosh Drive

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 11:28 05/08/04
Was up till 4.45am last night doing an import...it went on forever but finished at exactly the same time as the 11 inning NY Yankies Vs. Oakland Athletics baseball game on channel 5 ....which was nice :)
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:18 03/08/04
Was talking to my boss about the new spiderman movie and he asked
'So, does Spiderman have a website?'

Took me a while to get it so I'm def. working too hard ;-p

What, No circuit board
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:39 03/08/04 | Comments: 2
it's the future, says SUN
It's Been a While
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:03 03/08/04 | Comments: 2
Lets see...
Wi-Fi Sniper rifle, range 10 miles
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 13:16 03/08/04 | Comments: 5
Friday night
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:33 30/07/04 | Comments: 2
Are we doing the usual ?
Ups and Downs
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:55 29/07/04 | Comments: 1
After the Blackbird was rammed up the back (luckily , no damage) by a mad 4x4 (long story which I might unhide someday, but he cut me up then tried to ram me off the road!!) yesterday i thought I'd treat myself to a pressie, so I went and bought a new jacket, with lots of holes in it....a Bering ventilated one....

What a revelation, getting cooling whilst riding, lovely.

Just wish I'd had it last year whilst couriering in that heatwave...

I was going to the cop shop
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:06 28/07/04
to report the dangerous knob in the white 4x4, reg T118 ALP, who decided that he'd occupy the space in my lane that I was in (pushing me into the curb at the Hersham/Esher tl's). After I'd got in front of him (doing about 35) and waved at him to protest about his non-use of the mirrrors and near accident I decided to get on with it and leave well alone, but I had to slow for traffic to about 20mph. It was then that he decided to ram the back of the bike (whilst we're still moving). I was very very lucky to stay upright (I felt the back of bike lift off the ground and the bars went sidways then recovered). I then gestured for him to stop, but he just drove off. Unbelievable.

Never, ever in all my years of riding has anyone ever done anything like that, it was bloody scary.

There appears to be no damage to the bike at all, not even a scuff, god bless plastic bumpers.

I could understand it if I was a total hooligan , harassing car drivers, weaving in and out of traffic and the like, I just never expected that sort of thing when I'm pootling along trying to mind my own business at or below the speed limit.

Live (thank you supreme being) and learn I guess :-/

From the people who brought you MP3's
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 13:50 27/07/04
...seems like they've been busy creating 3D sound.....


David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:21 26/07/04 | Comments: 2
last week was my most successful week financially in the last 20 years.

Not bad, must have had something to do with the 60 hour week I put in ;-p

This weeks muzak
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 18:33 23/07/04 | Comments: 2
that curries lots of favour on radio@ombomb.com is....

Zoot Woman, Tube & Berger and Stonebridge

If you're in the mood also worth a mention are Client - Happy
(very appropriate given the last 3 days:)
and the other tracks now available in the playlists

Weekender and
I've Got a feeling
(so that's how you put urls in:)

Well, I had to do something whilst waiting for those import jobs to work :laugh:

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:28 23/07/04
There I was chillin in the garden after a hard 3 days and nights on the go when this almighty rush of air and roar slowly started getting louder, then very very loud , then 4 harrier jump jets in diamond close formation buzzed the house at 250ft, bloody fantastic, gotta love the Farnborough airshow, just wish I could've got the camera fired up quicker , but those boys were gone in seconds...
All fine in the foldycisco-oll
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 01:23 22/07/04 | Comments: 3
vpn workynice, webpageoh updatelahoad.

www.mobmob.com :)

Some people......
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 13:00 20/07/04 | Comments: 13
Been trying to set up the work vpn so I can connect in from home.

Their techie couldn't tell me which ports to open on the firewall to allow the software to work. He wanted me to turn off the firewall instead, ugh....

Simple Minds
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 02:21 18/07/04
Well, what can I say, that was totally mindblowing, strolled up to the woman on the ticket collection point and asked if she had any tickets for sale and after a bit of haggling (this was 6pm Sat) managed to get 2 weekend tickets for 25 squib each (which are normally 70 ea).

Saw Katie Mehlua, I led the shout for the encore (the crowd cheered:), then on came Simple Minds. Wow, totally outstanding, brilliant, made me feel like I was back in 1986.......movies on the web page soon...

Missed out on Sunday, due to being too knackered, and missed the Undertones, Damned, Stranglers and Blondie on friday but even with that it was a top weekend......

PS Simon I have a pressie for you other than the disk case :) See me later......

Hawkings wrong about Black Holes
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:07 15/07/04
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