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David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 02:25 17/10/04
talking about wood, if you ever want to know the wrong way to lay a gluless laminate floor then I'm your man.

Do not lay the hallway , the first bedroom , finsh them off and refill the 1st bedroom with all the meaterials for the rest of the house and the furniture from the other rooms only to realise that in order for the living room to look neat and line up the planks need to be 6mm further over....now doing it all over from scratch for the 3rd time :-/

Still, it's a learning process and all good fun in a Tim Allen stylee...power tools ugh ugh ;-p

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 02:20 17/10/04
There goes that brushwood again..... :)
Dave's TV vs Simons Fridge
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:25 13/10/04
Prawn to King Bish 3


Cool, I've finally got
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 11:38 13/10/04 | Comments: 4
a red button to press :)
So much for
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:16 11/10/04 | Comments: 2
the qualifying then..... :-/
Well I never
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:10 11/10/04
seems my home town had more than one famous son (Charles Dickens being the famous one)

and Dr. William Hooper whom patented the first modern waterbed in 1883 being the other.....

Seen the history being made
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:40 04/10/04 | Comments: 1
caught the space race fever, but want more ?

then you can buy a part of it here

A trip to Taiwan
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:02 27/09/04
is in order....just had a browse on the web site of the people who make the 1Gb USB2 memory stick I've just got, and apparently they make a 4Gb one too !!

Wonder if I can persuade them to let me import a whole bunch.... :)

VHS is dead long live DVD-R
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:45 24/09/04 | Comments: 2
I've swapped out my video recorder for one of these.

Trouble is it's gonna take me ages to convert all those tapes.....

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:59 21/09/04 | Comments: 11
The new series starts in 30 mins.......

Total Recorder on Standby......

I've had enough
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 21:57 16/09/04
of not being able to do the shopping properly , so I've just bought a friends shopping trolley.....it's not too bad either, but it sure isn't a TVR :)
Anchorman - The Movie
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:45 16/09/04
After watching it last night (bloody excellent it was too) I can't seem to get these lyrics out of my head.....if you see the film you'll know why.......

Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight
gonna grab some afternoon delight.
My motto's always been; when it's right, it's right.
Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night.
When everything's a little clearer in the light of day.
And you know the night is always gonna be there any way.

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.

Thinkin' of you's workin' up my appetite
looking forward to a little afternoon delight.
Rubbin' sticks and stones together makes the sparks ignite
and the thought of rubbin' you is getting so exciting.

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.

Started out this morning feeling so polite
I always though a fish could not be caught who wouldn't bite
But you've got some bait a waitin' and I think I might try nibbling
a little afternoon delight.

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.

Please be waiting for me baby when I come around.
We could make a lot of lovin' 'for the sun goes down.

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.

Repeat chorus.

Mad eh :)

Google Gmail
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:37 15/09/04 | Comments: 19
Despite my initial reservations about gmail , here, I have to say I'm quite impresssed with the whole thing........

I can be found at


Solving Polynomial Equations
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:51 10/09/04 | Comments: 4
Apparently a Dutch student , Geert-Jan Uytdewilligen, has come up with an equation that determines the roots of any polynomial equation, thus conflicting with Abel's Proof
(Although an exact solution has been proven impossible for higher orders, this is not the case for numeric solutions)

The formula can be found here


Data anyone
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 18:37 04/09/04 | Comments: 3
I now have at my disposal 3 USB2 portable disk drives, two with 250Gb capacity each and one with 60Gb.....added to the ones I already have that makes a total of over a terabyte of capacity at my command (more than most of the companies I've worked for:)

that's a fair way distant from the ZX80 (that I still own, that had no disk capacity, wouldn't load off tape and had 1Kb of RAM, as opposed to the 2Gb of RAM in my current server) ..it's been a long time coming........

Swings and Roundabouts
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 18:32 02/09/04
There I was pfaffing around getting shoutcast to work from a secondserver when i noticed that playback on the machine with the 5.1 surround sound only works properly with ITunes but not with Winamp, which is a shame as Itunes has no shoutcast plugin.
Track of the week
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:48 02/09/04 | Comments: 10
From the new Prodigy album 'Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned'

Track 5 Hot ride (Feat. Juliette Lewis)

a punky version of the Slimcea bread advert :)

Watch in awe
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:01 31/08/04 | Comments: 9
as the tumbleweed blows through Novacaster....
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 00:26 27/08/04
truly rocks my world.

It's a visualisation plug-in for winamp5 (comes with it) and it gives a windowed or full screen funky screen saver........big deal I hear you say, but what is truly magnificent is that you can set the funky moving display as your desktop.

Right on.

(especially on a quick machine where it doesn't suck up all the performance :)

Computer, Oh Computer
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 12:22 24/08/04
keyboard, how quaint....

Trek is reality after all as transparent Aluminium is invented

Discovering the Secrets of the universe
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:19 23/08/04
by building a 40km dead straight tunnel
Quick Enough?
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 12:25 21/08/04 | Comments: 7
I think the two games machines I've now got are adequate

music_box is a laptop and GameBomb is a PC. :)

Chasing Storm Shadows
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 08:53 20/08/04
There I was, pootling along the road that runs along the Thames past Shepperton on the way to work yesterday, it was sunny with clouds.

One cloud shadow started to overtake me ;a strange effect as the shadow moves away from the front of the vehicle.

I gave chase, the cloud was doing 45mph, and if there was such a thing as a cloud gatso, it would have got a ticket :)

Doom 3
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:06 18/08/04 | Comments: 4
looks really cool, shame it won't run on any of my machines....time to upgrade the graphics card/memory and CPU (again)


20 reasons why I Won't
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 10:14 18/08/04 | Comments: 4
be installing XP SP2

Here's the list

Dr Who
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 02:09 14/08/04
returns and the Daleks have legs
Perseid and the Olympics
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 19:23 13/08/04
Got back from Simons last night and as it was clear, watched for a few more between 2am and 3am, saw the brighest bollide ever ,didn't see the trail, but the flash was so bright it lit the garden up....stunning.

Anyone watching the Olympic opening cermony ?
Fantastic historical timeline and laser show.....plus music from DJ Tiesto....very cool.

Cinnamon on Stanby
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 18:01 12/08/04
First batch of apples this year are ready for the cooking pot....
Just a reminder
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:16 09/08/04 | Comments: 10
that it's the Perseid's this week......
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