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How apropos
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:24 16/09/05
is it to have learnt a new word today, especially when that word is


(and I'm quite old:)

Apple gone too far ?
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 11:00 16/09/05
I see Apple have launched their Ipod Nano last week, but this latest one is a bit much :)

Welcome to the Ipod Flea

Cheap Fuel
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 20:26 14/09/05 | Comments: 1
not to be sniffed at.

NB: I'd read the About Us section _very_ carefully if I were you :)

Mclaren SLR Prototype
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:22 10/09/05
Missed the Spills Kills rally as I got up late but just as well as a
m8 phoned up at 2pm and said

"McLaren have just delivered their new SLR prototype, fancy a go"

I was round his gaff in under 5mins :)

Took some picccies, will post them soon.

It's not everyday you get to play with 350K's worth of car :)

Inside Crime, ITV Carlton 11pm
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 23:31 08/09/05 | Comments: 1
Just seen myself riding the 99 Tiger in the middle lane of a motorway as a police car zooms past to nick a stolen BMW...

Must've been quite a while ago, judging by the number of stickers on the top box...

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 00:16 07/09/05
One of my LM crew mentioned a web site today they'd randomly surfed to. It happened to be Gordon's old site (and I'd forgotten there are piccies if me on it too)

Happy Days..

(Actually I'm surprised it's still up and running)

This weekend
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:00 06/09/05 | Comments: 2
I shall mostly be doing this.

If anyone fancies coming to meet the Teutels/party at the Ace/got to the KS rally or see the bikes down in Brighton on Sat or Sun then I can offer a pillion seat and some protective clothing....screaming inside the helmet is provided free :)

Weather by fly count
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:03 06/09/05 | Comments: 2
Today there will be 10 times the number of airborne aphids as yesterday.

At one point I thought it was raining, but no, just a huge amount of insectiods splatting against the visor.

Odd that.

Happy Happy Joy Joy
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:49 02/09/05 | Comments: 7
Just got home after crawling along at 50mph for 60 miles.

I'd forgotten just how dull running a new bike in is. Still at least this time round it's not lashing it down with rain :)

Shiny shiny :)

It seems being a biker
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 02:09 31/08/05
may have some benefits :)
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:45 24/08/05 | Comments: 2
everything will mostly be going pear-shaped..

Don't ask, but I think I'll be trying out for the England Dominos team in the next Olympics :-/

I'm off
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:13 10/08/05 | Comments: 4
to live in Devon for the next 3 months , starting Friday :)
Survey results are in
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:57 09/08/05 | Comments: 3
and the value is slightly less than my made-up estimate, but not displeasing at all :)
Interesting Urban
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 07:06 09/08/05 | Comments: 1
Modern Art

I particularily like these

American Exports

Constable Now

Riot Zone (2nd one down)


All puffed out
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:38 03/08/05
Due to having no working motor vehicle I am now down to cycling round everywhere, which is not too bad as the route into Woking comprsies mostly of the Basingstoke canal path. Lovely it is too , and you meet the nicest people on the tow path. I had 1 lady in a boat introduce herself to me. Then in town I was accused by a group of 3 female twenty somethings of being a hunk.
Nice to know I've still got it, whatever it is :)

Woking and back, then to Homebase..total distance cycled 7 miles mostly uphill too, which is enough for the first time in a long time.

I fully expect both legs to seize solid tomorrow mind :)

Fantastic live feed
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 20:57 02/08/05 | Comments: 5
from the space station of the spacewalks...
think I just saw
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:43 02/08/05
some brushwood float by in here...... :)
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:43 02/08/05 | Comments: 1
The more you struggle the deeper you sink....
New Planet found in solar system
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 03:13 30/07/05
Is it the 10th or not ?

NASA Pics here

I feel
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:30 27/07/05 | Comments: 28
a plan forming....

If this last tranche of re-mortgage negotiations fall through then I shall be most def. packing my bags....

Zoom into Earth from Anywhere part 2 (Maccies included:)
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 20:59 26/07/05 | Comments: 16
Not from Nasa, but from Google

This is quite good....

until it blue screens the XP with a graphics card error (and not much manages to do that these days), but fair play it says it might before you download it....

Still quite good even with that....

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 18:31 14/07/05 | Comments: 1
I found this guide particularily useful, even though it's 'merican at lot rings true for here :)
Finger Dyslexia
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:09 14/07/05 | Comments: 2
Does it exist ?.

I'm sure it does becuase reading my posts I realise that although I do not suffer from dyslexia (when reading stuff) when I type stuff in it's usually jumbled up. I often correct it, but I think as an experiemtn I will not in future , you'll see what I mean.

So am I mad or do others suffer the same way?

Stressed Out ?
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 03:48 14/07/05
This will help.
Testing my patience to the limit.....
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 06:36 12/07/05 | Comments: 3
No water last night (and after a days riding round London in the blistering heat I was not impressed).

Got up this morning, still no water, so I phone up the Water co.

'Oh there's no problem in your area Sir'

Immmediately I put the phone down the water starts flowing again....

Coincidence, I think not.

Thames Valley Water, we know where you live.....

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 18:08 01/07/05 | Comments: 3
Where is everyone, I feel like I'm talking to myself again :)
search for
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 03:01 01/07/05
bubkis on wikipedia and you get.....


Every Silver lining
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 21:31 23/06/05 | Comments: 2
has a cloud.....

Red Tiger has been sold :(

Thank God
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:43 23/06/05
For Homebase Spend+save vouchers and portable air-conditioning :)

Picked up a 9000btu unit for 37 ukp (with the vouchers), it's best thing since sliced bread...especially after riding round london in this weather. I look forward now to going home and sticking my head right where the cold air comes out :)

Amazon Marketplace
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 09:41 23/06/05 | Comments: 3
Decided to try and sell my CD's as secondhand on Amazon the other week.(Desperate times etc) Put about 20 of them up for sale, then forgot about it...(Spent the weekend at home pretending to be at Le Mans which I had a ticket for , but couldn't go to, due to no money, so I watched it on TV and listened to Radio Le Mans on the net staying up 24 hours for the full coverage)

Anyway I got a mail Monday from someone saying 'Where's the F*** is my CD', so I went and checked and bugger me if I hadn't sold 14 of them in the last 3 days of last week....(and was meant to dispatch them last week, oops)

I feel like a mail order company and am sick of writing my addresss for the return :)

Still, that's 70 ukp not to be sniffed at, result.

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 18:29 06/06/05 | Comments: 1
"I'm a Big Tall Man
Pickling Jars
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:40 06/06/05 | Comments: 5
Does anyone have any I can borrow for a month or two ?

or come to think of it any empty glass jars (like coffee for example) with a sealable lid......and don't worry if they're manky I can clean them.....

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