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Tuesday night Toytown drinkies
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 12:19 03/05/06
Went out with the TT mob last night, to HofBrauKeller

They were serving up Mass beers @ 3 euros and half a chicken and chips for 2 Euros.

Boy , do i have a headache today ;-p

It's all going Pete Tong
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 22:19 27/04/06 | Comments: 1
I was reading todays TZ and I noticed that tomorrow night Fri , there's an event at 8-seasons (maxximillianstrasse 2, a knobby end of town)@10pm

Chris Montana's Birthday Bash with DJ Chris Montana, DJ Pete Tong, DJ Roger Sanchez, DJ Eric Morillo and DJ Tom Novy

like only the greatest line -up of DJ's I've seen in a long time...(and all my favs)

Gate-crashing boots on standby... :)

Seems to be good stuff on most of the time though....

Film Premiere/Test-screening
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:47 26/04/06 | Comments: 1
I'm all excited, I'm off to the kino in turkenstrasse this evening for a free film preview...nice....

never been to one before.....

(I'm hoping it's Speilbergs "Munich" :)

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 12:38 26/04/06 | Comments: 4
On Thursday the 4th of May, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 a.m., the time and date will be

01:02:03 04/05/06

This has been a public service announcement, Thank you :)

The Great Escape
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:23 22/04/06
Went out last night to the Arc had a few too many Guinnesses, feeling worse for the wear today, and I'm due to meet a work colleague in there in for a few sherberts in about 30 mins before going out to see David Morales :-0

Workie bloke never showed, however that didn't stop me having a splendid time and twice as many beers as I'd planned , hic :)
...(here's the post I put on ToyTown)

Damn if this isn't becoming a habit :laugh: , top night out again in The Arc, good Helles from a barrel, and the Le Mans 24hr bike racing on request in the midst of the fervour of the St.Georges Day celebrations and after the Liverpool Chelsea match (Well done the scousers smile.gif

Then a top set of Engerlish tunes from DJ BubbleGum, so big up to the DJ and the bar staff , cheers Jason, it's not often the bar staff make an old fogey like m'self feel truly welcome on only their second visit...

People could learn a lot about customer service from this crew...Nice one.

See y'all tha' morra for the F1...and a quiet hair o' the dog methinks ohmy.gif

So much for Morales eh...

Might give this route =8^0 a little bash aftee the F1 tomorrow....

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:26 10/04/06 | Comments: 10
Well, I hit the beaches of Normandy sometime after 4am tomorrow on my Dakar machine and then its the big push on towards the Rhine and then Munich.....

I've sorted out somewhere to live, shame the prices double in June/July becuase of the World Cup,bloody football, sazzinfrazzinnancygame, but you can't have everything....

750 miles on a 100 mile comfortable bike, Gee, I can't wait ;-p

Got a Dog ?
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 08:58 29/03/06 | Comments: 4
but can't keep up with it on walks (or you're just feeling lazy) ?

Then you need one of these


Next Paradigm Shift In Computing ?
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 11:20 24/02/06 | Comments: 3
this might be

If only I could understand what they were going on about :)

Charity Work
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 11:10 13/02/06
It seems I've been doing some for the last 6 weeks, having not yet been paid.

So with that in mind I beleive it only correct for me to start looking for other work (so I have been)

I was up for a job at Orange in Amsterdam a few weeks back, but the agency had asked me for a 'motivational letter' at which point I'd said 'in that case thanks, but no thanks'

Well, that paid off and it seems O. like my attitude and want an interview :)

Shame as I really liked this job/place/people/lifestyle but it is the shape of a pear thanks to the agency.
(Who btw are doing themselves no favours with their client atm...they (the client) don't like hiring people who don't get paid for obvious reasons)

Why is _nothing_ ever easy.

New Tomb in Valley of the Kings
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 12:14 10/02/06 | Comments: 2
as reported by the Telegraph

"American archaeologists have made the first discovery of a tomb in Egypt's Valley of the Kings since that of King Tutankhamun was uncovered in 1922, Egypt's antiquities chief announced.

The 18th-dynasty tomb included five mummies in intact sarcophagi with coloured funeral masks along with more than 20 large storage jars, sealed with pharaonic seals, said Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities."

Ooh Gmail
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 20:23 08/02/06 | Comments: 4
has gone all funky like....
Have suit Will Travel
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 09:29 30/01/06
or in this case, will orbit

Full details here and here

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 13:58 26/01/06 | Comments: 5
It appears as though my constant taking pictures of clouds isn't unique to me (thank goodness)

These chaps have just won an award for their site...

Winter Warmer
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 08:06 25/01/06
Got my first taste of true Dutchness today, fell off the bicycle on the way to work on some ice and slid up the road on my backside.

There's nothing like starting the working day with a wet bottom :(

A Little Aside
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 18:02 17/01/06
which is quite amusing, sort of....

Chuck Norris Facts

orig source from a post on pistonheads.com

posted via dial-up, oh joy, from home in nl (via an xs4all account)

Dutch Lessons - Reminder part 1
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:46 16/01/06 | Comments: 4
Just some revision notes for myself......

alstubleift - Thank You (formal)
alsjebleift - Thank You
ik heet - My name is
suiker - sugar
alles erin - everything in it
wil je een kopje koffie - Would you like a cup of coffee
allen melk - only milk
hoe veel - how much
dank je wel - thank you
dank U wel - Thank You (formal)
zwarte - black
bedankt - thanks
ik kom uit England - I come from england
ik woon in Groningen - I live in Groningen
maar - but
gefleiciteerd - congratulations
and jij - and you ?
moi - hello/goodbye (Gronongen colloq.)
mooi - nice, good
landschap - landscape
hoi - hello
waar kom jij uit - Where do you come from
goede morgen - Good Morning
goedemiddag - Good Afternoon
goedeavaond - Good evening
welte rushten - Goodbye
eet smakkelijk - Eat tasty
waar kom je vandaan - Where do you comr from
waar licht an - Where is it
stuur mar een mailtje - send me an email
hebbus - I have it
graag - Like
mag ik bedanken - I'd rather not
aantrekkelijk - handsome
onaantrekkelijk - ugly
dat lijk mij (mooi) - I like it
aanbod offer
een aantrekkelijk aanbod - a handsome offer
bedrif - company
saai - boring
aardig - kind
leuk - nice
dat is niet leuk - That's not nice
het kind - the people
de baby - the baby
werkloos - unemployed
loos - without
tot folgende week - until next week
tot horens - until we speak
tot schrif - until I write
doi - goodbye
naar - towards
geleden - ago
soms - sometimes
puss - cat
buurvrouw - neighbour (woman)
buurman - neighbour (man)
ik wil graag - I'd like
bij ons zijn - be with us
laater - later
ik heb de migratie heironder successfully beeindigd - I have completed the migration below succusfully
Waat moet daarna doen - What's to do next
medewerker - employee
opgelost - solved
een problem - a problem
heel - really
heironder - below
heirover - above
krant - newspaper
klant - customer

Carpe Diem
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 12:58 12/01/06 | Comments: 1
Started Dutch lessons last night.
It's a small class ; the teacher , two young women (a Russian and a Maltese Canadian), all stunning btw, and me.
I learnt a lot but becuase of the other class participants I find it very difficult to concentrate :)

Then on the way back to Groningen on my bicycle i got pulled over by the Rozzers for failing to display a front light (it had turned itself off). Once it was established that I am a dumb foreigner he let me go with a warning. Next time it'll be a hefty 20 Euro fine, lol.

Then this morning, as the NoorderSlag (Details here) is about to kick off the hotel got invaded by musos (last night) and I found myself with no hotel for the next 3 days, so I'm off to Loppersum to decamp until my city appartment is vacated on Sunday. Can't wait.

Scarily close
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:23 11/01/06
I think lastminute.com know me too well, they just sent me my personal horoscope.
Bad Dave, very bad Dave :)

"People are afraid of you. They never know which side of your split
personality will show up next, but you're the life of the party, even
if you tend to gatecrash more than you're invited to. You kill
house-plants and you're never sorry."

I almost
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 09:58 11/01/06
hope for a delay now :)
Warm Cockles
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 20:31 10/01/06
I've applied for a logon to this
Pinch Me
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 20:27 08/01/06 | Comments: 2
I've died and gone to heaven :)
The Old New Doctor Who
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 20:29 30/12/05 | Comments: 2
after finally managing to watch the old new series over the last few days I've changed my opinion. It's most excellent indeed.

Anyone know when Ep.2 of the new series is on ?

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 04:44 25/12/05

and so is that

It's started
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 21:48 22/12/05
I'm getting that fuzzy feel of old, pre-adventure jitters, much planning not to do, best summed up with this in mind......

"A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policies and coercion are fruitless.
We find after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us."

- John Steinbeck

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:24 22/12/05
I see over on ExLostboys I'm listed as still working for Tanning Europe
only it's not quite the Tanning I'd thought (if you follow the link on the elb site :)
Last FM
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:38 22/12/05
A rather neat site that Bruce mentioned to me a while back.

I'd explain how it works but I can't be arsed :) so go see for yourself.

I like it.

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:51 19/12/05 | Comments: 10
Space 1999
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 19:02 04/12/05
currently being shown on ITV4 (today is series 1 episode 4)


Prof. Heinz Wolff
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 18:26 28/11/05
Hadn't seen him for eons, now he's on BBC 24 News...
Back in the 70's
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 19:27 28/09/05
I'm having daily flashbacks by watching the most excellent re-runs of 'Secret Army' on UKTV Drama...

Gosh I didn't realise I was _that_ old :)

Some Data
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:00 23/09/05
can be truly wonderful

(especially if you own a GPS:)

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