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Dave's Blog
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David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:51 07/09/06 | Comments: 1
Apparently there's a partial lunar eclipse tonight.....
Space stuff
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 09:26 01/09/06 | Comments: 12
Here's a couple of interesting articles,

Back to the Moon

Smart 1 impacts the moon this w/e

Back to School
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 09:48 24/08/06 | Comments: 13
Well , so much for a rest when I get home this w/e. I start my new contract at the place it all began back in 86, Portsmouth Uni.....

Can't wait....

I've wanted to do
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 09:59 22/08/06
this so many times....

I reckon they owe us all millions by now :)

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 18:16 21/08/06 | Comments: 2
quite an interesting an amusing story, and all very enviromentally friendly...apart from the V8 :)

One day....

Postedit: I've just noticed too, he has the same birthday as me.....

Climate Crisis
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 09:08 09/08/06 | Comments: 7
Went to the Munich film fest showing of 'An Inconvenient Truth' (had a free ticket) the other week.

Fascinating film, but scary

Funding Issues
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:28 25/07/06 | Comments: 14
My arse....
Multi-Valued Data Fields ..Spawn of Satan ?
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 13:48 18/07/06 | Comments: 6
I believe so.....

Another good reason to avoid Microsoft Access like the plague....

Will they never learn......

200 miles to the nearest ocean
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 11:04 18/07/06
yet they still have surfing contests here in Munich.

There's a standing wave on the Isar, which you can see people surfing most days, which is nice......

Keep snapping
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:35 14/07/06 | Comments: 1
just came across a technique for improving digital photography called High Dynamic Range Imaging.

Fascinating.....so in future don't take one snap, take several :)

As an aside here's a chap who takes pictures on long exposures with interesting results....

Dave is on the road again....
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 17:25 13/07/06
No, no , I haven't been terminated ;-p , my bike is finally ready for collection....

6 weeks waiting for a set of cush rubbers....

Shame I don't actually need the thing back now I've moved to within 2 mins of an S-bahn and have a 50 euro, go anywhere train ticket for the month...

At least I can get out of town and into the hills this w/e whilst it's still boiling hot out here , woohoo :)

Yours sweatingly...

The most powerful language
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 19:21 12/07/06
in the world :)

spotted on Toytown

The results of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest are in for 2006


Lovely Days
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 09:23 12/07/06 | Comments: 1
Shame I'm on a limited budget this month, otherwise this might have been worth going to....
Syd no More, Montoya no More
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:48 11/07/06 | Comments: 4
Mr Barrett is gone


On the up side, McLaren have sacked Montoya, and about time too......

You meet
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 00:26 07/07/06
the most amazing people in this Stadt.

Left work at 5pm, wallked to Riem S-bahn , caught the 5.10, stepped off 4 stops later, 5.33, at my new home station, Rosenheimer Platz and instead of taking the right exit and walking the 500 metres to the end of the block and my new home and German male and female flatmates in the city, I took the exit straight ahead 'geradeaus' walked the 300 metres to the Outland Bar(my local) and had a couple of Guinuess. Steve was on duty (the Aussie barman that had graciously lent me his car for a month after the fire brigade/Suzuki DR incident, so that I didn't have to walk the 3km from the S-bahn to my home in Althausen and back again every day...drive his car...10 mins...walk...40 mins....top man)

John and his mate Mark walked in, and the pair of them being 20+ yr veterans of Munich and known to me decided to join me for another few calmers :)

Mark played me video on his Ipod of band called Switch NX
which i thought were rather good, Greenday but better...then he said the drummer was his son....nice...he then proceeded to phone his Son up and asked him if he had ever heard of Can or Holgar Cuzaky(I may have mentioned them:). No was the answer, but with a promise that he would look them up ;-p

John then mentioned that when he went to Tollwood last week, two of the members of Tool were there jamming with some Germans, damn, missed that......will check out if they're stil there next week, as Tollwood isn't done till next friday.

After that I really should have gone home, however , persuaded by John we stepped outside, back the 300m to the S-Bahn and took a right to the Jazz Cantinia, where we drank severely ;-p and ate Nachos.

Then stepped next door to a 'Gerrman only' bar aka a Stammtisch (locals only table) where I learnt more German and Bayerische in an hour than I had in the 3 years at school (20+ rs ago).

Pissed as a fart we made good with all the locals in the bar and wobbled the 400 metres home and Voila, Allez Les Blues fur das WereldMeisterSchaft, innit :)

PS See y'all at t'weekend, what ....

Strike a Pose
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:43 04/07/06 | Comments: 1
some art can be most perculiar
No Taxation
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 08:42 04/07/06 | Comments: 6
without Representation....

Happy Independence Day to our cousins from across the pond......

It's All Over, It is Now
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 10:29 03/07/06
So having been ousted from the World Cup, my evening thoughts now drift back to other forms of entertainment..

The Tolwood festival has been on for a week, with another week to go.
Not much going on there except perhaps
Kettcar (a rather good modern post punk German band playing tonight)
and Ian Anderson plays The Orchestral Jethro Tull & Other Music Featuring: Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt, which might be worth tooling along to for a giggle.....

Other dates for expected nights-out:
22nd July Kaltenburger Knights Tournament
29th July David Gilmour at Konigsplatz
22nd August
Massive Attack at the Zentih
26th/27th August
I'm def going to the Chiemsee Reggae Festival as Burning Spear and Lee Scratch Perry will be playing....

Duck Everyone
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 08:45 03/07/06 | Comments: 7
Phew, that was a close one.....


Donner und Blitzen
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 10:20 30/06/06
Been having some cracking storms here the past few days (usually they last an hour then it's sunny again in time for the beer garden)

this one was rather nasty though. video here

Will upload some lightning movies I took the other day when I can get my damned camera drivers working.....

Surf that Gravity Wave
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 10:05 28/06/06
but first you'll need a detector
We are Germans
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 07:25 22/06/06
Who says they don't have sense of humour, check out this little ditty from a band called Mundstuhl.


Green Screen of Death
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 13:54 20/06/06 | Comments: 6
We all know about the BSOD

but my laptop just had a GSOD, most perculiar....

World Cup Fever
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 07:35 12/06/06 | Comments: 17
Well, I was in Marienplatz (Munich central) friday night after the German game , and it was heaving , 40,000 mad happy germans in a party mood.

Quite an experience.

This morning, I've been allocated a conditional ticket, and I'm off on Weds to see the Tunisia vs. Saudi Arabia match....should be no problem getting to the bar :)

Practical Teslation
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:34 08/06/06 | Comments: 1
good job my credit card is full, otherwise I'd be spending it here

PostEdit: No, actually I'd be spending it here some classics t-shirts there....

Hurry Up the Cakes

Biggest Solar Power Factory to be built
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:04 08/06/06 | Comments: 2
Quite Impressive really...

"52,000 photovoltaic module, 11-megawatt facility covering a 60-hectare south-facing hillside"

Now where's me sunglasses.....

Weather in
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 16:53 07/06/06 | Comments: 1

and 1000 times better resolution than normal weather radar...Neat.

Linux for Human Beings ?
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 15:30 01/06/06 | Comments: 12
Unbuntu , latest version released today...
These things are sent to test us..
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 10:41 24/05/06 | Comments: 8
the front bulb blew on my bike the day before yesterday and I took it to the bike shop to get fixed (sorted within an hour for 30 euros all in , that'd be 3 times as much in the UK)

Left the shop and popped round the corner to www.outland-bar.de for some food.

Noticed a small fuel leak, prodded the fuel hose which turned it into a major fuel leak, so I thought I'd leave it till all the petrol had drained , but some bugger called the fire brigade (the bike was sat in a pool of petrol) ...6 firemen then pumped out the rest of the juice and cleaned up the street.

If I'd have gone straight home from the bike shop I'm sure I'd be dead right now...cos the hole in the fuel hose was cased by the hose dropping down and being burnt open by the exhaust.

Bit of a bollock really as the gaff I'm living in is out in the sticks and not on the train lines...I didn't make it back there last night, slept on the floor of an American chap I'd made friends with last week in the same bar.....

Still, it's an adventure innit :)

David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 08:57 09/05/06 | Comments: 17
thats the village near the country pile I moved into last night, and when I mean pile I actually mean a plushly furnished garden shed at the bottom of someones garden :)

Cheap though.....

World Cup
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 14:46 05/05/06
I don't particularly like football, but I thought I'd get with the fervour and I've put a punt in for some conditional tickets for matches here in Munich...should be a giggle if I get one....

BTW if anyone wants to see the most complicated and convoluted ticket ordering and allocation system, then I suggest a quick pointy point at the FIFA site. Totally Insane.....

Hangover Cure
David Crowson [Blogs::Dave] 09:24 04/05/06 | Comments: 6
Felt terrible all day due to the previous evening :) so I decided to pop into Outland for a quick hair of the dog after work...and a bush burger..but things got a little hazy afer the first drink. I distinctly remember at one point the bar staff riding my bike round Weissenburger Platz =8-0
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