Press Association cock up picture captions, and AP picture desk clueless
by Simon at 12:49 22/12/09 (Blogs::Simon)
Check these photos out and look at the captions.

They say "Winter Solstice at Stonehenge.Revellers watch druidic ceremonies and take photos near the Key Stone, away from the Stone Circle at Stonehenge as Druids and revellers celebrate the Winter Solstice".

Key Stone? They mean Heel Stone.

So what, who cares? Well, I do - enough to give the AP picture desk a quick call to let them know. They swear up and down that they've only released 3 pics today and none of them have that caption, despite me quoting the URL to them and their photo IDs.

It's in this way that misinformation gets promulgated - the wrong caption's on the BBC and (edit: BBC have fixed it) Guardian websites and by the end of the morning will be all over the 'net.



PNG image (269 K) From the Grauniad's website
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