Re: MOD slow on the uptake
by Gordon Hundley at 19:57 15/07/04 (Blogs::Dave)
The thing that annoys me about all the media hype and the original Gartner Research document on USB/Firewire storage devices is that they have all missed the point. It's about physical access to systems, that's all. Whether I steal data using an iPod, a USB keyfob, a serial Palm Pilot or a cellphone with IRDA, it is still mitigated by the same controls. The reason that the story about "MOD banning iPods" simply isn't true is that in the bulk of places where workers access secure systems, there are just a keyboard, mouse and monitor. If you can access the system from where you work, you won't even get in with a cellphone, let alone an Pod.

Of course, as Dave points out, sometimes the controls and policies break down. At which point it remains just as irrelevant what device or media you use to circumvent the protection.

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