Re: Stonehenge Avenue Alignment - solstice sunrise
by Simon at 07:43 23/06/06 (Blogs::Simon)

This morning was clear and bright, and being only 2 days after solstice the Sun's rising in pretty much exactly the same place as it did on the 21st.

So I went and stood on the axis from the Avenue towards Sidbury Hill (NB: SiDbury, not SiLbury - to avoid some evident confusion), on the side of the 134m hump mentioned earlier in this thread, on the road up to Larkhill from Durrington - here's a map:

Avenue alignment mapBlue line indicates alignment along Avenue towards Sidbury Hill.

... and took some photos of sunrise, to see if it really did rise where I said it would:

The instant of sunrise, 23/6/2006Told you so :-)

Sunrise out of Sidbury Hill, 23/6/2006

Sunrise out of Sidbury Hill, 23/6/2006

Sunrise out of Sidbury Hill, 23/6/2006

To get the overall feel for the view, here's a quick panorama shot:

Panorama of sunrise out of Sidbury Hill, 23/6/2006

Well worth getting up for at 4.30am, I reckon.


PS: Our place is slightly to the north and west of the alignment from the Avenue to Sidbury Hill, and the ground slopes up towards the north east, so we get sunrise about 20 minutes later over the end of our back garden.

When I get the webcam properly mounted on the roof sometime in the coming year, we should see the sun rise directly out of the top of Sidbury Hill (which you can just see from our upstairs window). For now, here's a pic taken from our garden this morning on returning from Larkhill:

Sunrise over our back garden, 23/6/2006

Updated 2006-08-18: I went back to the same location in Larkhill to try and take a picture of the northernmost Moonrise.

JPG image (51 K) Avenue Alignment map
JPG image (150 K) The instant of sunrise, 23/6/2006
JPG image (158 K) Sunrise out of Sidbury Hill
JPG image (150 K) Sunrise out of Sidbury Hill #2
JPG image (152 K) Sunrise out of Sidbury Hill #3
JPG image (263 K) ... and from our back garden, 30 minutes later
JPG image (29 K) Panorama of sunrise over Sidbury Hill
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