Spam or Seti / Oral Sex Pryamid Scheme
by Nic Jackson at 10:02 15/04/04 (Blogs::Nic)
Spare processor cycles ? Now you have the choice Spam or Seti, and while your computer is processing the spam why not sign up to the oral sex pyramid scheme.
Spare processor cycles ? Now you have the choice Spam or Seti, and while your computer is processing the spam why not sign up to the oral sex pyramid scheme.
The Sendmails company has a new service that can earn you money.
It uses the spare bandwidth and processor cycles to turn your computer into a spam relay.

It attempts to entice people by paying you $1 for every processor hour they use, to probably fill your own inbox full of adverts for Viagra, and penis enlargement.

Its obviously a complete scam, and would bet not many if any of the poor people suckered in to fill the net with more garbage will get paid.

And speaking of scams I started looking for pyramid schemes. This is possibly the most interesting pyramid scheme I've ever heard of the oral sex pyramid scheme. I'm sure you know how pyramid schemes work and I'm also sure you know what oral sex is so there's no further comment required here.

Worth a click though seeing is believing.


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