Re: Intel, WTF?
by Gordon Hundley at 08:03 14/02/06 (Blogs::Gordon)
Well, Intel were aggressive with delivery of the new chips. I guess this means we'll see the new desktop chips before the year end. Blimey.

Might as well follow on here - I bought a G5 and a flat panel, a monitor arm, and some wireless bits to replace my laptop shortly after I posted this. My chair looks like mission control, but its more ergonomic and the old carpel tunnel is a bad memory, at least for now.

A couple of days later, I found myself walking out of my job - either I subjected myself to some intrusive personal questions with a third party HR company or I would be suspended without pay for insubordination, they said. So, I quit.

The following six months were a trifle rough, and the credit cards are bloody well used. I'm working again now, but for my sins its back to ISP land (only this one's a tad different to CIX in a couple of ways). Could be worse - I get to work at home and use this lovely computer, and hell, I'm learning things instead of stagnating for the first time in several years.

And if folks want to contact me... ping me at and I'll forward the rest of the details. Hope you're all well!


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