Re: Wanted: Someone cleverer than me
by Bruce Ure at 09:38 22/12/05 (Forum::Technical Advice::General)
I have nothing that that will allow examination of an exact point of the XML data - even its originating program won't do this, much to my frustration already :-/

I can roughly work out what time I was where, possibly even to the nearest minute, but I think it would be more accurate to use your third method. I'm fairly sure that in the absense of something like Garmin's [heavily copy-protected] MapSource software, Google Earth or possibly even just Google Maps ( can provide if not the pinpoint lat/long for the dodgy points then at least close enough to be searchable (with better accuracy than a minute).

I shall return to this later. I am just off to take Asha to see some lovely Christmassy play or something... the Gruffalo's Child, I think. Wonderful stuff.



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