Re: 6752 - calling Hugo
by Hugo van der Sanden at 03:46 17/09/05 (Blogs::Bruce)
Well, 6752 = 25 x 211 = 65 - 45 = 2 x (153 + 1) = (2 x 104 + 44)/3.

It's the number of points on the surface of a 5-hypercube of side 5, and on a dodecahedron of side 15.

The partitions of 38 include 6752 8's, and if you inscribe a sphere inside a cube and then divide the cube into a 38 x 38 x 38 lattice, the sphere will intersect the lattice at 6752 points.

1000000000000000000000000000006752 +/- 1 is the first pair of twin primes above 1033.

67522 = 400800415.

(You can find all of this information and more in Sloane's Encyclopaedia of Integer Sequences.)

And continuing Dave's theme in an American style, the actor Liam Neeson was born on 7th June 1952.


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