Re: Jamie Oliver's School Dinners and "Feed Me Better"
by Sylvia at 12:17 31/03/05 (Blogs::Simon)
Hi Simon,
Thank you for your reply.

My answer to your question:

"Genuine question: I appreciate you know much more about this than I do, having been directly affected yourself, but how you can be so absolutely sure that some things in food definitely don't cause (or at least contribute to) the triggering of ADHD in someone with the particular genetic combination?"

...I have tried everything with my child and researched a lot all about ADD. My son's father also suffers from ADD but is not diagnosed and food never was an issue in this. He eats very healthy and has always. Then there are other aspects I would like to recite of the book "Understanding A.D.H.D. " from Dr. Christopher Green and Dr. Kit Chee (ISBN: 0 09 181700 5)

There is written what a doctor knows and we discovered:

"The Facts about ADHD"

ADHD is a biological, brain-based condition which is caused by a minor difference of fine tuning in the normal brain (a slight brain dysfunction).

The dysfunction of ADHD is thought to be due to an imbalance in the brain's neurotransmitter chemicals, noradrenaline and dopamine. This imbalance is mostly found in those parts of the brain responsible for self-monitoring and putting the brakes on unwise behaviour (the frontal lobes and their deep connections, which are the basal ganglia circuits)

Diet is no longer seen as an important part of ADHD. A few children react adversely to some artificial and natural food chemicals. This can also occur in those who do not have ADHD. Food intolerance does not cause ADHD, though occasionally it makes it worse.

ADHD is a strongly hereditary condition. Most ADHD children have a close relative (usually male) affected to some degree by the same problem. Developmental Reading Disorder (dyslexia) which is often associated with ADHD is also a strongly hereditary condition.

ADHD is a long-term condition which affects learning and behaviour right through the school years. About 50 per cent of children will carry some of their ADHD with them into adulthood. With age ADHD tends to move away from the restless impulsive behaviours, towards those of inattention, inability to sustain work output, deficient short-term memory and frustration with learning. It is these residual features that cause most trouble to adolescents and adults with ADHD. The treatment of adult ADHD is an exciting success story in North America at this time.

At the end of the day Simon we all have to watch what we eat. If with ADD/ADHD or not and we do eat healthy but like Dr. Green said ADD/ADHD isn’t caused by any food intolerance or what you feed, it can make it worse but that is not always the case, like with us. We tried everything.

Then the other thing I always think, my son is blessed actually. He is very intelligent and if I think of all those famous people with ADD/ADHD (


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