'I told you so'
by David Crowson at 10:33 23/11/04 (Blogs::Dave)
>it's a double win - you get out of a contract that probably wasn't enjoyable

True, today I will mostly be giving the poor chap service desk tickets for everything that has broken in the last two weeks because of the decision by those who decided that

'Nothing should run as Admin, so we've changed all the admin passwords'

Problem is that as that was the only account I was ever given to use (and Oracle and _everything_ runs as admin) and as everything was already installed under admin, well you can guess the consequences......

I did warn them that saying that nothing should run as admin and the actual reality of the situation were different, but they are right, I am wrong and out the door...and everything is now broken.

it's gonna be a looooooong week.

and breath.....



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