Re: Downing Street - again!
by Simon at 11:12 09/11/04 (Forum::Online Communities)
32 : M : 20371 : 20371 : hey webmaster
32 : M : 20371 : 20395 : RE: hey webmaster
29 : M : 20371 : 20717 : RE: hey webmaster
29 : M : 20371 : 20768 : RE: hey webmaster

-1 : M : 20375 : 20375 : hunting is stupid , the human animals are too

20371 is one thread (4 messages), and was removed 32 days after the initial post.

20375 is a separate thread (only one message) and was deleted immediately.

Sorry there's not enough information about the first version of the forums to allow a meaningful analysis - it is, however, interesting to look at which entire threads in the second version were removed and which were allowed to remain (based only on subject line).

For clarity: the file only deals with the second version.

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