Re: A working djedankhra device
by Simon at 14:08 19/07/04 (Blogs::Simon)
1) You can't patent something that claims to be a perpetual motion device, because conventional thinking has it that such things are impossible.

2) Without a patent, you have no protection against someone stealing your invention.

... so therefore there will be no detailed specs available.

I have some doubts as to whether this is a perpetual motion device - and I suspect that instead it is just a clever magnetic motor. Without knowing what load can be drawn for what time, it's hard to calculate where the energy is being stored/generated in/from.

It may turn out, for instance, that you need oodles of power to energise your permanent magnets in the first place, and that when you do the sums it turns out just to be a very efficient 'transformer' and that magnets are equally efficient 'batteries'.

However, it may be just as likely that you don't need oodles of human-generated energy to energise your permanent magnets (perhaps you can use naturally occurring lodestones instead).

Whichever way up, when they're sold in Argos I'll be wanting one :-)

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