Very interesting thread.
I started to write down what I'd do with a sidereal clock, but it got a bit complex. Suffice it to say I need:
1) The figures on the 24 hour dial to be printed going round anticlockwise, not clockwise
2) The dial to rotate clockwise (no hands needed, though a movable pointer would be useful)
3) To mount it on a plane with inclination = latitude, and its axis of rotation pointing at the north pole of the ecliptic
4) To set it going when a line from the centre to 00:00 on the dial is pointing at the First Point of Aries in the sky.
Given the Right Ascension of any object, I'd be able to check where that position on the dial happened to be at that instant and know that the object was in that direction.
Then when Kris asks me where Orion is, I'd be able to point appropriately - day or night, any time of year.
Alternatively, I could just point my scope at Orion and leave the equatorial drive running 23h56m4s a day... bit bulky though.